816-795-1000 or 1-866-No-Snore (1-866-667-6673)
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Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea
The premiere treament center for headache and snoring conditions. Sleep is interwoven with every facet of our health and well-being, our moods and behavior, energy and emotions, marriages, jobs, our very sanity and happiness

Our office is locataed at 291 and 40 Hwy, right across from the Bass Pro Shop entrance. Two other main roads are I-70 and I-470. We are located in the southwest quadrant of their intersection.

Missouri Office - 4801 S. Cliff Ave, Suite 212, Independence Missouri 64055

Phone (816) 795-1000
Fax (816) 350-1075

4801 S. Cliff Ave.
Suite 212
Independence, MO 64055