816-795-1000 or 1-866-No-Snore (1-866-667-6673)
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Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea
The premiere treament center for headache and snoring conditions. Sleep is interwoven with every facet of our health and well-being, our moods and behavior, energy and emotions, marriages, jobs, our very sanity and happiness.

Do you know why you have headaches? Most of the patients that we see for headaches have a TMJ component to their headache. The issue may be head and neck pain that manifests itself as a headache.


Do you know that a proper custom designed oral appliance can manage your migraines 70% of the time?


We offer the NTI appliance as an avenue of treatment.


Headaches affect most of us at one time or another. Many people have headaches on a daily basis. The FDA has approved oral appliance treatment, specifically designed, to help you manage your migraine headaches. If headaches are your main issue then the NTI (nociceptive trigeminal inhibition) appliance may be for you.


Do you get tired of taking medication to help manage and control your headaches? You may be one of the millions of Americans who has headaches due to a jaw misalignment. Also contributing to headaches are bruxism and clenching. You owe it to yourself to seek an answer to your headaches.


Your daily headaches don’t need to be part of your daily living.


You may just be one appointment away from being headache free.


We are committed to “Designing a better quality of life for you.”