Low Level Laser therapy as part of our treatment is nearly used on all patients with head and/or neck pain. The laser is wonderful in promoting healing deeper into the tissue. It is quick, non-invasive and pain free. The low level laser works great in healing mouth sores and irritations.
Galileos CT Scanner
This Cone Beam CT x-ray is the state of the art when it comes to assessing upper airway and TMJ issues. This machine helps us view sinuses, nasal septum, nasal airway oral airway, TMJ position, cervical spine position and to assess the anatomical relationships in the head and neck area. With all of the valuable information that we gather from this unit, it also allows us to make a more appropriate and timely diagnosis so that you can receive the proper care.
We have an answer to your questions. Our K7 can help us help you! We have answers to your questions. The K7 allows us to register jaw joint sounds, movements and muscle activity. It is a wonderful diagnostic tool. It’s primary purpose for our office is being able to confidently determine whether a TMJ patient has a large muscle component to their pain, or not. .... Learn More